A Test-and-Learn Approach to Crafting a Social Strategy

Partnered with Qualtrics to rapidly ideate "concepts" and test with Studio Co.llab's peer-network of marketing professionals to craft a social strategy we knew would interest and inspire audiences.

Project Objectives

Qualtrics, a B2B company offering Experience Management solutions, wanted to reinvigorate its presence across Social Media channels to move from traditional B2B-selling to engaging end-users and future talent with the promise of cultivating "breakthrough experiences and those bold enough to chase them."

Qualtrics partnered with Studio Co.llab to create a social strategy 'Playbook' that defined Social "content pillars" and sample social posts that are grounded in social trends, audience interests, and Qualtrics' unique offers to increase brand awareness and love.


Social Media Strategy, Concepting, Market Reserach, User Research, Creative Direction, Visual Design


6 Weeks


Experience Management

Sprint 1

Personas and Trends to Spark Ideas

An ideation "brief" summarized our goals, user insights (surfaced via internal interviews), and social activations from dozens of brands. This inspired several "idea starters" jumpstart a virtual brainstorm with 20+ cross-functional Qualtrics team members.

Sprint 2

Design and Test Social 'Concepts'

Refined brainstorm ideas into 3 'Concepts', each with a 'manifesto' and social post ideas. We tested concepts via interviews with Studio Co.llab's peer network of marketing professionals to reveal what types of posts might stop a user mid-scroll, and what conversations Qualtrics could authentically "own".

Sprint 3

Visual Direction and Final Strategy

A final "Social Strategy Framework" is accompanied by a Creative Direction that applies the brand to our Social Strategy. Activation "Themes" from the framework inspired 8 "Representative Posts" to show how the framework can be applied in different Social channels.

To build and sustain a strong B2B brand, you’ve got to tell a relevant, persuasive, inspiring story. The team at Studio Co.llab worked with us to do just that for our audiences on Social. The team delivered outstanding project leadership, strategic problem solving, novel collaboration techniques, and high-quality work. The content performed above expectation, helped modernize our brand experience, and reset the bar for what audiences can expect from Qualtrics on social media platforms. We were able to go from Brief to Framework to Content to Applications over the course of just 6 weeks and 3 sprint cycles, and do it in a way that both inspired our team and helped build capability for the future.

Jesse Purewal

Head of Brand, Qualtrics

Project Outcome

The Social Media Playbook reinvigorated the Qualtrics Social Media Team to inspire new post topics and refresh the design across Instagram, Linkedin, Facebook, and Twitter. These new posts that launched in the Summer of 2021 received more than double the overall social impressions from January of that same year.

See It For Yourself:
Qualtrics Instagram | Qualtrics Linkedin | Qualtrics Twitter


Social Media Impressions

Since January 2021 Source: Qualtrics Teams

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Whether you’re starting from scratch or pivoting direction, we love helping companies imagine all their possibilities. We’ll partner with you, step-by-step to turn your vision into reality - even if that vision isn’t fully shaped yet. Let’s get to work!

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